Hello Commanders, 

First of all, we sincerely apologize to all our commanders for any inconvenience and confusion caused by recent updates on the interceptor and changes to the minimum device specs.

Here's what you need to know about the issues and our future actions:

▶ Changes in Interceptor & AOS Platform Minimum Specs after May 1st Update

I. Issue Overview

1. Decrease in interceptor damage

On March 27th, we discovered that the critical chance and critical damage increase options of the flagship equipment, which were being enhanced, were unintentionally applied excessively to the interceptor.

As a result, an update was applied on May 1st to normalize the damage of the interceptor.

We sincerely apologize for any confusion caused by the inaccurate guidance regarding the abnormal display issue in the update notice.

After the May 1st update, we noticed an unintended increase in interceptor critical chance and damage due to enhancements made to flagship equipment in the March 27th update. We've corrected this with the May 1st update. We apologize for any confusion caused by the update announcement.

During the data collection process for the update, we realized that more data than anticipated was required due to variables such as the flagship equipment happy hour. We sincerely apologize for any confusion caused to other commanders during this process. Please understand that this was part of the sequential processing to ensure fairness to all commanders.

2. Increase in AOS Platform Minimum Specs

Due to the increase in development specifications for Android platforms and ongoing engine upgrades, issues with running ASTROKINGS on older Android devices have been increasing. Therefore, we have adjusted the minimum specs for ASTROKINGS to 3.5GB RAM or more as of April 3rd in the Google Play Store. We apologize for not providing prior notice.

ASTROKINGS is currently available on Android, Apple iOS, and Microsoft Windows platforms. If you are unable to access the game on your existing device due to the increased minimum specs, we kindly ask you to play ASTROKINGS on a different platform.

We sincerely apologize to all our beloved commanders for the confusion and concerns caused by these issues.

II. Actions

1. Flagship Equipment Crafting Items Due to Adjustments in Interceptor Damage Compensation

Due to inadequate guidance and sudden updates, in order to minimize the damage you've experienced, we plan to proceed with compensation for the equipment you crafted after the update, which had critical hit-related options that excessively affected the interceptor's damage among flagship equipment.

We deeply apologize for the delay in taking action due to the increased crafting and enhancement coinciding with the flagship equipment's happy hour, which required additional time to verify all commanders' data.


    1) Optional T4 SE [Option] Blueprint Box, crafting materials, and gold will be given for the number of times you use T4 or higher flagship equipment blueprints that have the potential to include the critical chance or critical damage.

    2) Flagship Equipment Enhance Chips and Advanced Flagship Equipment Enhancement Chips used for enhancing equipment with one or more critical options.

    3) Optional T5 Equipment Production Support Box will be given based on the number of attempts to upgrade equipment with one or more critical options.

※ Applicable to flagship equipment crafted from March 27th update to May 1st update.

※ Compensations have been automatically sent to all commanders at the time of this notice.

2. Improvements in the announcement process

We will improve the announcement writing and posting process at ANGames to quickly provide our commanders with more accurate information. 

Once again, we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by insufficient guidance and responses. We will strive to provide better service alongside smooth gameplay.

We sincerely thank you for your understanding.