Q : Can you make the attack alert disappear?

You can change the setting of the “Attack Alert” in ASTROKINGS’ game option.

If you use the “Attack Alert Filter: Ignore Attacks Below the Specified Level” function,
 filtering is possible by designating only the attacks of commanders below a certain level.

▶ How to set the ASTROKINGS’ game option for “Attack Alert”

① After logging into the game, go to the “Commander Info” screen at the top left

② Select the “Settings” menu at the bottom left of the “Commander Info” screen

③ Select the “Option” from the “Settings” menu

④ Proceed with the options “Attack Alert” or “Attack Alert Filter: Ignore Attacks Below the Specified Level 

⑤ Return to the previous screen

(Save by selecting “OK” in the “Do you want to apply the changed setting?” that appears after returning to the previous page)