Hello Commanders, 

New flagships from Legend of the Galactic Heroes are smoothly navigating the galaxies of ASTROKINGS.

To help you choose the flagship that best suits you among the four new types, we’ve provided detailed descriptions and specifications.

Become the master of a more powerful fleet in the ASTROKINGS galaxy with the ultimate new flagships from Legend of the Galactic Heroes!

▶ Legend of the Galactic Heroes Flagship Info




PVP: ★4.6/5.0

PVE: ★4.9/5.0


- Enhances the attack power of all fleets, allowing them to inflict high damage on enemies.

- Strengthens the penetration of battleship fleets using 'cannons', making it an effective flagship against highly resistant enemies.

- When 'Emperor' Reinhard & 'Beauty and Brain' Hildegard are assigned as crew members and the DNA tunnel effect is activated, it increases the attack speed of all fleets and further boosts cannon damage, with the effect being maximized when battleships using 'cannons' are deployed as attack ships.


<Maximum Level Specifications for Main Options>


Skill Name


Maximum Value

Command Buff 1

Moving Headquarters

Fleet Attack Power


Command Buff 2

Emperor's Gift

Cannon Penetration


DNA Tunnel Effect

One Night's Fate

Fleet Attack Speed


Cannon Damage





PVP: ★4.9/5.0

PVE: ★4.5/5.0


- Increases the resistance of all fleets, maximizing the defensive capabilities of ships with enhanced armor.

- Strengthens the penetration of frigate fleets using 'railguns', making it an effective flagship against highly resistant enemies.

- When 'Imperial Double Walls' Mittermeyer, 'Imperial Double Walls' Mittermeyer, & 'Great Parent' Evangelin are assigned as crew members and the DNA tunnel effect is activated, it further increases the resistance of all fleets and significantly extends the range of frigates, allowing them to strike enemies more swiftly.

<Maximum Level Specifications for Main Options>


Skill Name


Maximum Value

Command Buff 1

Gale's Cry

Fleet Resistance


Command Buff 2

High-Speed Navigation 

Rail Gun Penetration


DNA Tunnel Effect

Three Parents 

Fleet Resistance


Frigate Attack Range





PVP: ★4.9/5.0

PVE: ★4.5/5.0


- Increases the resistance of all fleets, maximizing the defensive capabilities of ships with enhanced armor.

- Enhances the penetration of cruiser fleets using 'missiles', making it an effective flagship against highly resistant enemies.

- When 'Unbeatable Master' Yang Wen-li, and 'Devoted Lieutenant' Frederica are assigned as crew members and the DNA tunnel effect is activated, it further increases the resistance of all fleets and boosts the attack speed of missiles, allowing for more hits.

<Maximum Level Specifications for Main Options>


Skill Name


Maximum Value

Command Buff 1

Sorcerer's Tactics 

Fleet Resistance


Command Buff 2

Unbeatable Light 

Missile Penetration


DNA Tunnel Effect

One Year of Love 

Fleet Resistance


Missile Attack Speed





PVP: ★4.8/5.0

PVE: ★4.2/5.0


- Enhances the accuracy of all fleets, neutralizing enemy evasion and increasing the damage dealt by raising the enemy fleet's damage rate.

- When 'Pretentious and Bold' Attenborough, and 'Noble Soldier' Merkatz are assigned as crew members and the DNA tunnel effect is activated, it boosts both the accuracy and attack speed of all fleets, leading to improved performance.

<Maximum Level Specifications for Main Options>


Skill Name


Maximum Value

Command Buff 1

Superior Firepower 

Fleet Accuracy


Command Buff 2

God of Warfare 

Enemy Fleet Damage Rate


DNA Tunnel Effect

United Opinion 

Fleet Accuracy


Fleet Attack Speed


Build the strongest fleet with the new flagships introduced in the Legend of the Galactic Heroes collaboration event!

Thank you for your continued support!