Hello Commanders,

First of all, we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the event not running smoothly and the frequent emergency maintenance.

We regret to inform you that an emergency maintenance had to be conducted to address the unintended mass appearance of the 6th Anniversary Golden Pirate NPCs that occurred on August 7, 2024.

▶ Emergency Maintenance 

- Maintenance Schedule : 2024/08/08 08:00 ~ 2024/08/08 10:00 AM UTC


1. Emergency Maintenance Info

- Address the issue of the massive appearance of the 6th Anniversary Golden Pirate NPCs on August 7

- Improvements to the 6th Anniversary event

2. Measures Taken Regarding the 6th Anniversary Golden Pirate NPCs

- The number of 6th Anniversary Golden Pirate NPCs appearing after August 8, 2024, will be reduced.

- The federation contributions and individual points obtained from the 6th Anniversary Grand Federation Festival by using Golden Box I & II before the maintenance will be deducted.

- The Golden Box I & II obtained before the maintenance will be changed to "Faded Golden Box I & II", and they will no longer grant event points when used.

3. Apology for the Adjustment of the 6th Anniversary Event and Information about the Event Improvements and Compensation

We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience caused by the excessive appearance of the 6th Anniversary Golden Pirate NPCs at 6:00 AM on August 7, which affected your gameplay.

Furthermore, we deeply apologize for the shortcomings in the execution of the 6th Anniversary event, which should have been a celebration to show our appreciation to our commanders.

To better compensate our commanders, we conducted extensive internal meetings and tests. However, due to issues such as game lag, crashes, and server overload, we determined that maintaining the high spawn rate of the 6th Anniversary Golden Pirate NPCs would be challenging. Therefore, we have decided to adjust the spawn quantity of these NPCs.

Due to this issue, some federations may have gained a significant advantage by earning federation ranking points. To ensure fairness, we kindly ask for your understanding as the points previously obtained through the Golden Box I & II will be adjusted.

While the number of event NPCs will be adjusted, we've also decided to implement additional improvements to the 6th Anniversary event to show our appreciation for your support for ASTROKINGS.

First, the "Golden Box I" item, which is obtained by defeating the 6th Anniversary Golden Pirate NPC, will be improved from a chance-based acquisition to a guaranteed acquisition.

Additionally, we've adjusted the spawn rate of the 6th Anniversary Golden Pirate NPCs to be higher than initially planned, within the limits that won't overload the server. While it may not be at the same level as the initial mass spawn, you will still have ample opportunities to hunt down a significant number of these NPCs.

As a result, we believe this adjustment will make it easier to achieve the rewards in the 6th Anniversary Federation Festival, allowing you to collect plenty of Golden Boxes without compromising the festive spirit.

To further enhance your experience in the event and make it easier to defeat the Golden Pirate NPCs, we are sending the following compensation to all commanders.

Compensation for All Commanders:

- 6th Anniversary Special Token x 500

- National Policy Action Ticket x 10

- Unstable Planetary Relocation x 20

- Planetary Relocation x 20

- Boost Warp Speed for Pirate 1hr x 50

Compensation items will be sent to you via in-game mail once the emergency maintenance is complete.

We apologize for the frequent maintenance and the lack of preparation for the event, which has caused significant inconvenience. Please rest assured that we are committed to doing our best to provide you with a satisfying gaming experience. 

Thank you for your understanding.