Hello Commanders, 

Here are the details of our upcoming maintenance and update on 2024/08/06.

Note: The content or schedule may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. We'll notify you of any changes.

▶ Maintenance & Update Info

Schedule : 2024/08/06 23:50 ~ 2024/08/07 04:00 UTC

Schedule : 2024/08/06 23:50 ~ 2024/08/07 05:00 UTC

1. Event End Notice

The following events will end on 2024/08/06 23:50 UTC.

- Simulation Battle Enhanced Operation

- Galactic Purification Subjugation Operation

- [Empire Arena] Today's Daily Mission

- [Empire Arena] Point Achievement Mission

2. New Events

Event Schedule: 2024/08/07 (after maintenance) - 2024/08/20 23:50 UTC

2-1. 6th Anniversary Login

Special Log-in Event with Gratitude!

Log in daily to obtain various rewards!

Login every Saturday and Sunday to double the attendance chance!

2-2. 6th Anniversary Golden Pirate Subjugation Operation

Defeat the golden pirates and obtain the 6th Anniversary special token!

A chance to obtain a large amount of gold in celebration of the 6th Anniversary!

Every 6 hours, 'Golden Pirate Fleet' NPCs are summoned throughout the space map.

A golden box and 6th Anniversary Special Token can be obtained that can give a huge amount of gold resources when defeating the Golden Pirate Fleet.

※ The event Golden Pirate Fleet disappears after 1 hour!

2-3. 6th Anniversary Unidentified Pirate Subjugation Operation

Defeat unidentified pirates and obtain various items!

Defeat the unidentified pirates that appear in the rift and obtain various items!

<How to earn points>

1.100 points for defeating unidentified space pirates

※ Unidentified pirate automatically disappears 30 minutes after summoning.

2-4. 6th Anniversary Federation Grand Festival

※ If you are not a member of a Federation, you cannot proceed with the event!

A grand federation festival for the 6th anniversary is being held! 

During the event, engage in various content to earn points and claim various rewards!

Accumulate federation points and strive to become the top federation in the galaxy! 

<How to earn points>

1. Earn 100 points when you use Golden Box I

2. Earn 250 points when you use Golden Box II

3. Earn 500 points when you use Golden Box III

※ Notes

1. Points earned will be accumulated for both individual and federation points.

2. If federation points were reached prior, individual rewards become attainable upon reaching individual points

3. You must acquire at least 20,000 event points to be counted in the ranking.

4. If you leave the federation after obtaining the federation and individual points, the points earned by the commander will be deducted from the ranking. (The ranking points cannot be restored even if you join a federation after leaving.)

5. If you leave the federation after obtaining the points, your individual points will be lost.

6. Rewards can only be claimed once.

2-5. 6th Anniversary Today's Daily Mission

Complete daily missions to earn Unidentified Pirate Summon Tickets!

Complete the missions given daily and earn Unidentified Pirate Summon Tickets!

2-6. 6th Anniversary Special Shop

Collect 6th Anniversary Special Tokens and exchange them for various items!

To celebrate our 6th Anniversary, we have prepared a variety of items! Exchange the 6th Anniversary Special Tokens for various items!

<How to earn 6th Anniversary Special Tokens>

1. 6th Anniversary Federation Grand Festival

2. Defeat the Golden Pirate Fleet

3. Defeat the Unidentified Pirate Fleet

※ 6th Anniversary Special Tokens that were not used during the event period can be exchanged with small amount of resources after the event ends.

2-7. 6th Anniversary Special DNA Element Shop

Purchase the items you need with DNA elements!

To celebrate the 6th Anniversary, an opportunity to purchase various items with DNA elements!

Consume DNA Element: Grade A, DNA Element: B Grade, and DNA Element: C Grade to purchase the items you need!

※ Rapid Promotion Type-γ item cannot be used when hero enhancement count is 9.

※ DNA Element: A Grade, DNA Element: B Grade, DNA Element: C Grade can be acquired through retiring heroes.

3. Others

- The invasion waiting time for the Interspace will be reduced from the current 4 hours to 2 hours.

- The 'Lv' indicator, which previously displayed a mix of Command Center and Commander levels, will now be unified to show only the Command Center level.

- The auto-formation button in the fleet setup screen will be improved to automatically select stronger heroes and flagships when available.

- The appearance of the DNA Element: A Grade and DNA Element: B Grade items will be changed.

- Commanders who create a new account after the maintenance on August 7th will receive 2 weeks of Resource Concealment.

- Minor text and errors are corrected.