Hello Commanders, 

Here are the details of our upcoming maintenance and update on 2024/07/09.

Note: The content or schedule may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. We'll notify you of any changes.

▶ Maintenance & Update Info

Schedule : 2024/07/09 23:50 ~ 2024/07/10 04:00 UTC

1. Event End Notice

The following events will end on 2024/07/09 23:50 UTC.

1) Secure Trade Goods Ⅰ

2) Secure Trade Goods Ⅱ

3) Real Deal

4) [Trade] Today's Daily Mission

5) [Trade] Point Achievement Mission

2. New Events

Event Schedule : 2024/07/10 (after maintenance) ~ 2024/07/22 23:50 UTC

2-1. Run & Hit! Ⅰ

Defeat the space pirates daily and collect Growth Tokens!

Let's move forward faster than anyone else, like a storm!

Defeat the space pirates daily and earn Growth Tokens!

The more Growth Tokens you earn, the more event points you can collect in the ‘Run & Hit! Growth Boost Grand Festival’ event!

<How to earn points>

1. Earn 100 points when defeating space pirates from Lv.1 to Lv.20

2. Earn 200 points when defeating space pirates from Lv.21 ~ Lv.40

3. Earn 350 points when defeating space pirates from Lv.41 ~ Lv.60

4. Earn 500 points when defeating space pirates from Lv.61 ~ Lv.70


2-2. Run & Hit! Ⅱ

Defeat the pirate bases daily and collect Growth Tokens!

Let's move forward faster than anyone else, like a storm!

Defeat the pirate bases daily and earn Growth Tokens!

The more Growth Tokens you earn, the more event points you can collect in the ‘Run & Hit! Growth Boost Grand Festival’ event!

<How to earn points>

1. Earn 100 points when defeating pirate bases from Lv.5 ~ Lv.25

2. Earn 200 points when defeating pirate bases from Lv.30 ~ Lv.50

3. Earn 350 points when defeating pirate bases from Lv.55 ~ Lv.80

4. Earn 500 points when defeating pirate bases from Lv.85 ~ Lv.90

2-3. Run & Hit! Ⅲ

Engage in dimension rift battles daily and collect Growth Tokens!

Let's move forward faster than anyone else, like a storm!

Engage in dimension rift battles daily, and participate in the individual rankings to earn large amounts of Growth Tokens!

The more Growth Tokens you earn, the more event points you can collect in the ‘Run & Hit! Growth Boost Grand Festival’ event!

<How to earn points>

1. Earn 100 points when engaging in dimension rift battles

※ You must acquire at least 500 event points to be counted in the ranking."

2-4. Run & Hit! Growth Boost Event

Develop your planet and earn various boost items!

Run & Hit! Growth Boost Event, rushing forward faster than anyone else, like a storm!

Develop your planet through today's daily missions, research, and council to earn various rewards!

<How to earn points>

1. Earn 100 points when completing today's daily mission

2. Earm 3,000 points when completing a research

3. Earn 10 points when assigning 1 council member

2-5. Run & Hit! Growth Boost Grand Festival

※ If you are not a member of a federation, you cannot proceed with this event!

A grand festival event in which all federations across the galaxy can participate!

Move faster than anyone else and storm through the Growth Boost Grand Festival!

During the event, engage in various content to earn points and claim various rewards!

Accumulate federation points and strive to become the top federation in the galaxy! 

<How to earn points>

1. Earn 10 points when you obtain 1 Growth Token

※ Notes

1. Points earned will be accumulated for both individual and federation points.

2. If federation points were reached prior, individual rewards become attainable upon reaching individual points

3. You must acquire at least 20,000 event points to be counted in the ranking.

4. If you leave the federation after obtaining the federation and individual points, the points earned by the commander will be deducted from the ranking. (The ranking points cannot be restored even if you join a federation after leaving.)

5. If you leave the federation after obtaining the points, your individual points will be lost.

6. Rewards can only be claimed once.

2-6. Run & Hit! FDA Completion

Finish the daily quests for 5 days and receive rewards!

3. Maximum Level Expansion

Check the link below for more information:

Link: [Notice] Maximum Level Expansion Update!

4. Others

- The default search count of the radar facility will be increased.

- The galaxy transfer item reward will be removed from the new commander mission.

- [Ship Lineup Display] ON / OFF menu will be added to the game options.

- All fleets collecting resources during maintenance will be forcefully recalled.

- Some packages will be reorganized.

- Various texts and errors will be fixed.