Hello Commanders, 

Here are the details of our upcoming maintenance and update on 2024/06/11.

Note: The content or schedule may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. We'll notify you of any changes.

▶ Maintenance & Update Info

Schedule : 2024/06/11 23:50 ~ 2024/06/12 05:00 UTC

1. Event End Notice

The following events will end on 2024/06/11 23:50 UTC.

- Federation Co-op Week I

- Federation Co-op Week II

2. New Events

- Event Schedule : 2024/06/12 (after maintenance) ~ 2024/06/25 23:50 UTC


2-1. Intro to Fireworks Operation

During the event period, earn Rare Ore Boxes and obtain various rewards.

During the event period, you can obtain Rare Ore Box through various activities.

Rare Ore Box can be exchanged in the shop for various items and special fireworks items.

You can participate in various events by acquiring and using special firecracker items.


 <Rare Ore Box Source>

 1. Obtain 1 with dimension rift battle

 2. Obtain 5 when defeating the alien recon fleet

 3. Obtain 5 when attacking the ghost fleet

 4. Obtain 5 when completing a federation exploration

2-2. Galactic Fireworks Operation

Collect points and win rewards by delivering the Rare Ore Box you've earned!

Use the Special Fireworks Launcher and Special Fireworks Bundle you have acquired and earn event points to obtain various rewards!

<How to earn points>

1. Earn 3 points for defeating space pirates

2. Earn 8 points for defeating pirate bases

3. Earn 20 points when using the Special Fireworks Launcher

4. Earn 20 points when using the Special Fireworks Bundle

5. Earn 1,000 points when using Special Fireworks Collection

2-3. Mina's Fireworks Operation


Good day, Commander.

Fireworks Operation. It's been a long time since our last internal operation.

I request supplies and a lot of ore, please.

I will strive to successfully carry out the operation to bring joy to everyone.

Get the Special Fireworks Launcher to collect event points and earn Mina's portrait and various rewards!

<How to earn points>

1. Earn 100 points when obtaining the Special Fireworks Launcher

※ You must acquire at least 500 event points to be counted in the ranking.

※ If you leave the federation after earning ranking points, the points earned by the commander will be deducted from the ranking. (The ranking points cannot be restored even if you join a federation.)

2-4. Nightingale's Fireworks Operation


Commander? In this operation, we are short of one personnel, so I decided to take charge myself. 

It's sudden, but I have no problem with it at all.

I always have a plan, you know.

Oh, of course, I ask for your cooperation to proceed smoothly.

But Commander... why are you laughing?

Get the Special Fireworks Bundle to collect event points and earn Nightingale's portrait and various rewards!

<How to earn points>

1. Earn 100 points when obtaining the Special Fireworks Bundle

※ You must acquire at least 500 event points to be counted in the ranking.

※ If you leave the federation after earning ranking points, the points earned by the commander will be deducted from the ranking. (The ranking points cannot be restored even if you join a federation.)

2-5. Fireworks Exchange Operation

Exchange the Rare Ore obtained by participating in the content for various rewards.

You can purchase various items using the Rare Ore Box obtained through the content.

Purchase Special Fireworks items from the shop and participate in the federation rankings!


 <Rare Ore Box Source>

 1. Obtain 1 with dimension rift battle

 2. Obtain 5 when defeating the alien recon fleet

 3. Obtain 5 when attacking the ghost fleet

 4. Obtain 5 when completing a federation exploration

3. Updated List of Galaxies Available for Galaxy Transfer Request

- After the maintenance on June 12, the Permanent Galaxy Transfer list will be updated as follows:

Current Galaxy

Galaxy Available for Transfer

Galaxy #1

Galaxy #19, 25

Galaxy #19

Galaxy #1, 25

Galaxy #25

Galaxy #1, 19

Galaxy #39(+42)

Galaxy #44

Galaxy #44

Galaxy #39

Galaxy #48

Galaxy #49, 53, 55

Galaxy #49

Galaxy #48, 53, 55

Galaxy #53(+57)

Galaxy #48, 49, 55

Galaxy #55

Galaxy #48, 49, 53

Galaxy #58(+59)

Galaxy #60

Galaxy #60

Galaxy #58

Galaxy #61


Galaxy #62


※ The list of galaxies available for galaxy transfer may change depending on the galaxy situation. If there are any changes, we will inform you through announcements.

4. Others

- Various texts and errors will be fixed.