Hello Commanders, 

The beta version of the Imperial Federation War, where the strongest federations of all ASTROKINGS servers can compete, has been released!

The first event to celebrate the release of the Imperial Federation War’s beta version!

On 2023-02-22 00:00 UTC, the Imperial Federation War Registration opens, and gifts will be given to the federations that registered the earliest for the event!

▶ Be the Fastest Federation! First Come, First Served Registration Event


- Event Period: 2023/02/22 00:00 ~ 2023/02/24 23:59 UTC

- How to participate: Register for the Imperial Federation War through the ASTROKINGS in-game event page

※ Only the federation leader and G4 members can register for the Imperial Federation War. 


Event Rewards


1st Place Federation

- Crystal x 100,000 (Paid thru Federation Resources)

- Astronest Protection Shield 24h x 15 (Paid to the Federation Leader)

- Withdrawal Ticket for Astronest x 5 (Paid to the Federation Leader)


2nd Place Federation

- Crystal x 50,000 (Paid thru Federation Resources)

- Astronest Protection Shield 24h x 10 (Paid to the Federation Leader)

- Withdrawal Ticket for Astronest x 5 (Paid to the Federation Leader)


3rd Place Federation

- Crystal x 30,000 (Paid thru Federation Resources)

- Astronest Protection Shield 24h x 5 (Paid to the Federation Leader)

- Withdrawal Ticket for Astronest x 5 (Paid to the Federation Leader)


4th~10th Place Federations

- Crystal x 10,000 (Paid thru Federation Resources)

- Astronest Protection Shield 24h x 3 (Paid to the Federation Leader)

- Withdrawal Ticket for Astronest x 3 (Paid to the Federation Leader)

※ Notes for Event Participation

- When you register in-game for the Imperial Federation War, your federation will be automatically included in this event.

- After registering for the Imperial Federation War, only federations in which one or more of their members have participated in the Imperial Federation War battle will be included in this event. 

- If you participate in the event by fraudulent means, you may be excluded from the event participation.

- Event winners and rewards will be announced and delivered 2 weeks after the event ends. 

- This event is a one-time event to celebrate the release of the Imperial Federation War beta version.



Thank you.