All the heroes and flagship units sent to Interspace cannot be assigned to any tasks in the galaxy. 

Here's how you can return them to your planet. 


- Returning hero and flagship cannot be canceled once you confirmed the action to return to your planet.

- It will take 60 minutes for the selected units or heroes to return to the planet.

- Hero and flagship that you wish to recall should be assigned to the Capital Depot.

- Ship units assigned to the expedition cannot be returned through the Capital Depot.

- If the commander leaves the faction, heroes/flagships/ship units will return to the planet. In the case that the space dock capacity has exceeded, a portion of the ship units will be returned as Ship Purchase Order items. 


1. Go to Interspace and tap the Expedition icon

2. Tap the Hero icon to view the expedition's heroes

3. Under the Capital Depot tab, to select the heroes that you want to recall, assign them to Capital Depot and tap the Change button to apply the changes made

4. Tap the Faction icon on your screen

5. Tap the Capital Depot tab

6. On the Status tab, you will be able to see the heroes that you have assigned to your Capital Depot

7. Tap the Return tab and tap the 'Select the hero' box

8. Select the hero you wish to recall from the expedition by tapping the Assign button then tap the '<' back button

9. You will now see the hero on the Return page. Tap the Return button to confirm and recall the hero


1. Go to Interspace and tap the Expedition icon

2. Tap the Flagship icon to view the expedition's flagships

3. Under the Capital Depot tab, select the flagship that you want to recall by toggling the button 'Expedition = Capital Depot'. 'Expedition' should be in purple 

4. Tap the Faction icon on your screen

5. Tap the Capital Depot tab

6. Tap the 'Select a Flagship' box then select the flagships that you want to recall from the expedition by tapping the Select Flagship button

7. You will now see the flagships on the Return page. Tap the Return button to confirm and recall the flagships