Hello Commanders,
We would like to share the details for our upcoming update. Please note that during the server maintenance, you will not be able to access the game.
Maintenance Schedule: 2021/02/17 01:00 AM ~ 05:00 AM UTC
Note: As this is advance notice, the content and/or schedule may be subject to change depending on the circumstances. We'll post a notice if there are any changes.
1. Bittersweet Events
- Bittersweet Challenge and Bittersweet I will end on 2021/02/17 at 00:00 UTC.
- Bittersweet II (Event Store) will remain open until 2021/02/18 at 00:00 UTC.
- Remaining event items in your inventory could be exchanged with a small number of resources on the next update.
2. Ship Enhancement Reset & Enhancement Slot System
2-1. Ship Enhancement Reset & Enhancement Slot System
1) Various enhancements can be performed and saved on the newly added enhancement slot system.
2) There are a total of 5 enhancement slots.
3) You can enhance ships with the 3 default enhancement slots, and 2 additional enhancement slots can be unlocked using crystals.
4) Through the Enhancement Slot system, you can separately apply enhancement to deployed fleet's enhancement (Deployment Activation) and defense fleet's enhancement (Defense Activation).
5) Different enhancement slots can be applied to the three fleets from the Empire Arena Battle.
6) For changes in enhancement to the deployed fleets, you can change the assigned enhancement when all fleets are returning to the planet.
※ Crystals will be used when changing the deployed fleet's enhancement slot. No crystals will be used when changing the enhancement slot for Defense Fleet and Empire Arena Fleets.
2-2. Ship Enhancement Reset Items
Image | Name | Effect |
![]() | Ship Enhance Reset Module Type-γ | This item is used to reset an enhanced part of the ship. 50% of used resources and enhancement materials can be recovered. |
![]() | Ship Enhance Reset Module Type-δ | This item is used to reset an enhanced part of the ship. 100% of used resources and enhancement materials can be recovered. |
* After the maintenance, the ship enhancement reset modules will be sent to all commanders.
3. New Events - Lost Technology Ⅰ~ Ⅱ
Event Period: 2021/02/17 (after the maintenance) ~ 2021/03/03 00:00 UTC
3-1. Lost Technology Ⅰ
[Defeat CRUX Search Recon or Combat Recon Fleet and obtain event points and Unidentified Relics!]
Commander, do know about our galaxy?
Our galaxy is where our ancestors lived a long time ago, long enough for countless stars to be born and die.
In the aftermath of the TPW phenomenon (Tempus Portam Wormhole), which has been occurring frequently in recent years, we are again connecting with our galaxy.
Therefore, E.M.U. dispatched an expedition to space where the TPW phenomenon occurred and have received a message from the expedition that they discovered and secured the 'Lost Technology', an ancient knowledge that has completely different properties from artifacts.
However, the expedition fleet suddenly lost communication with us on its return. We believe Admiral Riyah Thorn's fleet was raided and spawned by the CRUX Recon Fleet because their fleet can't be defeated fleet by space pirates and there was no demand for money for the release of prisoners.
Commander, we'll send you the coordinates of where the expedition's signal disappeared. If you fulfill the mission of the expedition and the recovery of the Lost Technology, E.M.U. promises to pay a reward worthy of the commander's dedication.
Good luck, Commander! - From E.M.U.
※ When you complete the required progress points and purchase the Premium Pass, you can obtain S Grade Admin Hero 'Miser' Scrooge.
※ To compete in the individual rankings, a certain number of points should be achieved.
1. When you defeat the CRUX Search and Battle Recon fleets, you will obtain 'Unidentified Ancient Relics' and event points.
2. Unidentified Ancient Relics will be used in the Lost Technology II Event Store.
3. When using the optional CRUX Medium Dimension Rift Generator Box, you can obtain the CRUX Medium Dimension Rift Generator and event points.
※ When using the CRUX Medium Dimension Rift Generator, you can summon powerful enemies, and you cannot summon additional enemies when another enemy exists in space. (The event NPC cannot be unsummoned and will be deleted after the event ends.)
※ The difficulty of the CRUX Base is similar to the Pirate Base Lv. 80 ~ lv100 difficulty level that will be added later.
※ We recommend summoning a CRUX Base Lv. 70 for commanders who need more time to defeat CRUX Bases.
(All commanders who have participated in the event can easily defeat CRUX Base Lv. 70, however, for CRUX Base Lv. 80 ~ Lv. 100, this is recommended to Commanders who can easily defeat Dimension Rift level 200)
4. Upon the destruction of your recalled powerful enemy, the CRUX Base, you can acquire a box containing event points and 'CRUX Advanced Research' for good use in the Lost Technology II Event Store.
5. There is no ownership of a summoned CRUX Base.
6. The coordinates of the summoned CRUX Base can be found in the mailbox.
[Lost Technology Reward Hero]
Type A | Type B | Name | Grade | Type | SP | Skill 1 | Skill 2 |
![]() | ![]() | ‘Miser’ Scrooge | S | Admin | [SP] Fleet Materials Clerk | Efficient Shipwright | Fleet Builder |
3-2. Lost Technology Ⅱ
[Exchange for various rewards with Unidentified Ancient Relics and CRUX research materials!]
"Commander, we need to strengthen our planet and recruit more heroes to resolve the new missions from E.M.U.
Please be fully prepared to deploy fleets to the coordinates that are provided from E.M.U."
4. Others
a. The fleet production facilities interface will be renewed.
b. You can select the planetary task queue bar display from the Options menu > Building Queue Type (Off - No building queues displayed, Type A - Icons, Type B - Text)
c. When a member of the federation using another language shares a report, the report was shown as the member's set language. This will be fixed.
d. Shipbuilding Boost item will be added.
e. Artifact activation effect display error will be fixed.
f. New VIP buff will be added.
g. Minor error/bug fixes
h. Opened a new galaxy - Galaxy #36